As a rule, the raw materials are specially selected from the best tree species from the forests of Germany. Like everything German, each finished product undergoes careful control at all stages of production. The scientific base of the Verzalit brand constantly conducts new laboratory research and tests, bringing each finished product to perfection. It is because of this that the company gives a fantastic guarantee of 10 years if used outdoors and 15 years if used indoors.
The Werzalit assortment is represented by the following items:
— Window sills: model lines Exclusiv, Compact and System;
— Terraces;
— Facades ;
— Table tops;
- Balconies.
Our online store currently sells only window sills. All colors that are in stock are indicated in the detailed product description. Having recently appeared in our electronic storefront, they have already gained trust among interior designers and wholesale buyers. A rich range of colors and textures, a stylish and modern sophisticated design are some of the key points that influence the decision to purchase these particular window sills.